Pertemuan Ilmiah Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi (PIPKRA) yang ke-16 diselenggarakan pada 5 - 9 Februari 2019. Tahun ini, PIPKRA yang berlangsung selama 5 hari terdiri dari workshop, postgraduate course dan symposium di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta. PIPKRA kali ini bertema "Exploring The Innovation in Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine".

Ketua/Chairman :

Dr. Ratnawati, MCH, Sp.P(K), Ph.D

Wakil Ketua/Vice Chairman :

Dr. Budhi Antariksa, Ph.D, Sp.P(K)

Sekretaris/Secretary :

Dr. Heidy Agustin, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Ginanjar Arum Desianti, Sp.P

Sie Ilmiah/Scientific Committee : Dr. Sita L. Andarini, Ph.D, Sp.P(K)

DR. Dr. Agus Dwi Susanto, Sp.P(K)

DR. Dr. Wahju Aniwidyaningsih, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Triya Damayanti, Sp.P(K), Ph.D

Dr. R.R. Diah Handayani, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Elisna Syahruddin, Ph.D., Sp.P(K)

Bendahara/Treasurer :

Dr. Feni Fitriani, Sp.P(K), M.Pd.Ked.

Dr. Fanny Fachrucha, Sp.P

Sie Dana/Fundraiser Committee : Dr. Priyanti Z. S., Sp.P(K)

Dr. Dianiati Kusumo Sutoyo, SpP(K)

Dr. Rita Rogayah, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Mukhtar Ikhsan, MARS, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Prasenohadi, Ph.D, Sp.P(K)-KIC

DR. Dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc, Sp.P(K)

Koordinator Venue/
Venue Coordinator

Dr. Erlang Samoedro, Sp.P

Dr. Mia Elhidsi, Sp.P


Dr. Irandi Putra Pratomo, Ph.D, Sp.P

Workshop :

Dr. Jamal Zaini, Ph.D, Sp.P(K)

Dr. Dicky Soehardiman, Sp.P(K)

Dr. M. Fahmi Alatas, Sp.P

Konsumsi/Food and Beverages :

Dr. Fathiyah Isbaniah, Sp.P(K), M.Pd.Ked.

Publikasi & Dokumentasi/
Publications & Documentary

Dr. Andika Chandra Putra, Ph.D., Sp.P

PIPKRA 2019 is also in conjunction with the 2nd Asian Intensive Reading (AIR) of Radiographs for Pneumoconiosis According to ILO Classification (3 days workshop), February 5 - 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 5,500,000.00

Information updated on January 11, 2019

First Announcement PIPKRA 2019 (PDF, English)
[Klik di sini/click here]

Subscribe our YouTube channel for access of Live Webinar during event
klik di sini/click here]

Final Announcement PIPKRA 2019 (PDF, English)
[klik di sini/click here]

Call for Abstract: January 4, 2019 January 26, 2019

Jadwal Workshop/
Workshop Schedules*

  • The 2nd Asian Intensive Reading (AIR) of Radiographs for Pneumoconiosis According to ILO Classification (3 days workshop), February 5 - 7, 2019; Location Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 5,500,000.00 (RECOMMENDED WORKSHOP)
  • Pulmonary Emergency and Respiratory Life Support (PEARLS)February 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 2,500,000.00 (RECOMMENDED WORKSHOP)
  • Interventional Pulmonology (Bronchoscopy and Pleural Procedures) (For Pulmonologist)February 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 3,500,000.00
  • Advance in Pulmonary FunctionFebruary 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 2,000,000.00
  • Obstructive Lung Disease, February 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 1,500,000.00

Jadwal Postgraduate Course/
Postgraduate Course Schedules*

  • Basic Sciences and Update Management of Lung Cancer (2 days course), February 6 - 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 3,500,000.00
  • Comprehensive Management of TB and Drug Resistant TB (2 days course), February 6 - 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 4,000,000.00
  • Interstitial Lung Disease (Focus on HRCT), February 7, 2019; Borobudur Hotel Jakarta; biaya daftar/course fee: IDR 2,000,000.00
Simposium/Symposiums: February 8 - 9, 2019, Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta*

*Jadwal dan susunan acara dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu/schedules and dates are subject to change without prior notice

Biaya Daftar Simposium/
Symposium Registration Fee

  • Dokter spesialis/specialist
    • Sebelum/before January 1, 2019: IDR 1,750,000.00
    • Late registration, January 1 - 31, 2019: IDR 2,000,000.00
    • On site: IDR 2,500,000.00
  • Dokter umum, residen, mahasiswa, perawat/GP, resident, medical student, nurse
    • Sebelum/before January 1, 2019: IDR 1,000,000.00
    • Late registration, January 1 - 31, 2019: IDR 1,250,000.00
    • On site: IDR 1,500,000.00

Tata Cara Registrasi dan Pembayaran/Registration and Payment

  1. Formulir registrasi merujuk kepada lembar FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT terlampir di atas/Please fill in registration form as attached within the FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT above

  2. Lakukan pembayaran pendaftaran pada detil berikut/please made your registration payment to:
    Koperasi Bersama Kesehatan Respirasi
    Bank Mandiri KK Jakarta RS Persahabatan
    Acc No. 006-00-0995702-2 

  3. Lakukan konfirmasi pendaftaran dengan mengirim form registrasi dan bukti pembayaran melalui detil berikut/confirm your payment by sending the registration form and the copy of bank transfer to the following detail:

    Departemen Pulmonologi dan Kedokteran Respirasi FKUI
    RSUP Persahabatan, Jl. Raya Persahabatan No.1, Pisangan Timur, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur 13230, Indonesia
    Ms. Narti/Ms. April/Mr. Zaenal (+62-21-4789-9389. +62-21-470-5684)
    Email: Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.


Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
National Respiratory Center Persahabatan Hospital,
Prof. dr. Hadiarto Mangunnegoro Asthma Building, 2nd Floor
Jl. Persahabatan Raya No. 1, Pisangan Timur, Pulogadung,
Jakarta Timur 13230, Indonesia (Google Map)

Phone: + 62-21-489-3536
Email: parufkui [at] gmail.com


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